In the Episcopal Church, a reception is a public ceremony that welcomes people confirmed in another Christian denomination. It is a way for them to join the Episcopal Church while honoring their previous commitments.
How does it work?
- A bishop lays hands on each candidate
- The bishop prays a special blessing
- The bishop welcomes the candidate into the Episcopal Church
Who can be received?
- People who have been baptized and confirmed by a bishop in another Christian church
- People who want to reaffirm their faith
How does it compare to confirmation?
- Reception is similar to confirmation, but it’s for people who have already been confirmed.Â
- Both reception and confirmation are sacramental rites that welcome a mature commitment to Christ.
What do you need to do to Prepare?
- Adults seeking to be received into the Episcopal Church may go through a process of education and self-reflectionÂ
- All three rites (confirmation, reception, and reaffirmation) require a period of preparation.Â
You can find the Reception in the Book of Common Prayer on page 310. You can see the online book of Book of Common Prayer 1979 here!
If you or someone you know is interested in or has questions about received, please contact our priest at 808-955-7745 ext. 108 or email them here.