Our Ministries at St. Clement

A circle with the words st. Clement 's school on it

St. Clement’s School

St. Clement's School is a preschool and kindergarten program in Honolulu, Hawaii. It is a ministry of the Episcopal Parish of St. Clement. The school strives to help children develop a strong foundation for future learning and growth. Our slogan—An Ocean of Possibilities—speaks for itself. 

Our programs include preschool, kindergarten, before-school care, extended daycare, and chapel services. Our curriculum is tailored to each age group and features music, physical education, and creative movements. 

The learning environment at St. Clement’s School is a safe and accessible space that nurtures curiosity and fosters relationships. Our philosophy is grounded in the Christian faith, as interpreted by the Episcopal Church—St. Clement’s School welcomes and respects children from all religious, ethnic, and economic backgrounds. We also accommodate children with disabilities, within reasonable limits. 

We are accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children and are members of the National Association of Episcopal Schools and the Hawaii Association of Independent Schools. 

For more information, please visit our website, email us, or call us at 808-949-2082. 

Food Pantry St Clement Logo

The Food Pantry at St. Clement

The Episcopal Parish of St. Clement in Honolulu, Hawaiʻi, operates a food pantry that provides free food to those in need. The Food Pantry at St. Clement is open every Wednesday, with food distribution from 10 a.m. to noon. Please avoid lining up before 9 a.m. We are closed the week before and after Easter and Christmas. Be sure to check our website or e-announcements for notifications regarding any other closures. 

We are located in the Parish House of the Episcopal Parish of St. Clement. The address is 1515 Wilder Ave, Honolulu, HI 96822. We are proud to partner with Hawaiʻi Food Bank and appreciate the generosity of our parishioners and others in the community. Currently, we provide our patrons with bags of canned goods and other shelf-stable food products. 

Additionally, the Episcopal Parish of St. Clement proudly offers financial assistance through a $50 check per year to residents of the 96822 zip code and halfway houses. This assistance is available only during the operating hours of The Food Pantry at St. Clement, which are listed above. 

For additional food assistance resources, please get in touch with The Hawaiʻi Food Bank. They offer various programs to help families access food throughout the State of Hawaiʻi. You can reach them at 808-536-4302 to find resources available near you. If you need general assistance, you can call 211.   

We appreciate any support you can provide. If you would like to learn how to assist us through a financial gift, volunteering, or other means, please call us at 808-955-7756 or email us here. Mahalo for helping us help others. 


The Chapel of Peace (Columbarium)

RYSE and Yo! House

RYSE is a safe haven supporting youth 24 hours a day. RYSE offers not only a place to sleep safely, but also food, education, medical and mental health services, employment assistance, and much more.

St. Clement  helps by providing chili and mac salad once a month. It matters because many of these young people have not had a home-cooked meal in years, if ever. We show our care by preparing the food from scratch and decorating the mac salad as we would for a banquet. The residents notice and appreciate this.

What can you do to help? We cook the last Wednesday of every month in the evening. Our volunteer team is very small. We could use more help. At Thanksgiving, we need turkeys and pies. Donations of young adult clothing are also appreciated.

If you have questions, please email the church office here.


St. Clementʻs Choir

The music ministry at the Episcopal Parish of St. Clement is a vital component of our worship. It reflects our faith community's diverse character, including the native Hawaiian culture. The choir sings at the principal service during the 9:30 a.m. service of the Holy Eucharist each Sunday.  They will also attend and sing at the Christian Church's significant feasts, including Christmas, Easter, Maundy Thursday, and Good Friday. 

Interested in being part of our choir? 

  • We are open to all singers and instrumentalists.
  • Music reading is helpful but not required.
  • Instrumentalists should be able to read music and play with good tone and pitch. (We love the ʻukulele).

Attend a choir rehearsal to see if we are a match.  Rehearsals are held on Thursday at 6 pm and Sunday mornings starting at 8:30 a.m.  We will be excited to sing with you. 

If you have any further questions, please email the choir director, Addison Omohundro.

Irwin Jiang is the musician for the Episcopal Parish of St. Clement.


Altar Guild

The Altar Guild at the Episcopal Parish of St. Clement is a group that prepares the sanctuary for services and cares for the altar and related items. Their responsibilities include preparing the sanctuary for services, cleaning up afterward, caring for the altar, vestments, vessels, and altar linens, and setting out vessels such as wine, water, and chalices. They also place communion wafers and the priest's wafer on the paten, and assemble the Eucharistic ensemble. Additionally, they launder and iron the linens, maintain the cleanliness and quality of all vestments, and polish the silver and brass instruments of worship. 

The Altar Guild's ministry aims to make each service as seamless as possible. It operates as a “quiet service” ministry, working behind the scenes. Additionally, the Altar Guild has a unique role as the priest's liturgical partner, ensuring that everything is prepared and ready for the priests and servers to conduct the church service. 

If you would like to serve on the Altar Guild, please email us here.

Flower Guild


A Flower Guild at the Episcopal Parish of St. Clement is a group of persons who arrange flowers for worship services and special events. The guild's mission is to enhance the worship experience and glorify God. 


The responsibilities include arranging flowers for Sunday services, weddings, funerals, and other special occasions. Select and arrange flowers that complement the liturgical season, vestments' color, and readings' content.  Place flowers in the church in a way that enhances the worship experience.   Arrange palms for Palm Sunday, Easter lilies, and Christmas poinsettias.

Donations to the Flower Guild can be made in honor or memory of someone. Donations can also be made to help purchase flowers and underwrite the costs of communion items. 


If you want to donate to honor a loved one or for a special occasion, please email us or donate online here


If you want more information about serving on the Flower Guild, please email us here


Worship Leaders

Eucharistic Ministers

Eucharistic Visitors


Greeter and Ushers

Ushers are usually the first to arrive before the services and prepare the church to greet and welcome everyone who enters. The early service ushers open the doors, turn on the microphone and lights, and put out the offering plate. Pre-COVID, we gave the service bulletins to the parishioners and collected the offering. For now, there are no service bulletins, and the offering plate is placed on a stand in the middle of the center aisle near the last pews. The late service ushers do the reverse – close the doors, turn off the microphones and lights, and return the offering plate. In addition, they lock up the church and the Chapel of Peace. Both service ushers put away the offering for the counters. Please come and join our quiet ministry.

LGBTQ+ Talk Story Potluck

Hawaiian Ministries

Fellowship Event Hosts

Coffee Hour Event Hosts

Ministries that are in Discernment and Development

Lay Weeders and Creation Care

Centering Prayer

Stephen Ministries

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Family Ministries

Makiki Farmers’ Market