Holy Matrimony

In The Episcopal Church, Holy Matrimony for Christian marriage, a lifelong union between two people. It’s a sacrament or a visible sign of God’s grace. It is not just a wedding in a church.  

Elements of a Holy Matrimony 

  • Vows: The couple makes vows before God and the community
  • Witnesses: At least two witnesses must be present
  • Baptism: At least one person must be a baptized Christian
  • Marriage laws: The marriage must comply with state laws
  • Canon law: The marriage must comply with the Episcopal Church’s canons
  • Clergy: A priest or bishop presides over the ceremony

Other considerations 

  • The couple signs a declaration of intention
  • The ceremony may include the Holy Eucharist (Holy Communion)
  • The ceremony may consist of a hymn, psalms, and anthems
  • The ceremony may consist of instrumental music


The Episcopal Church’s Book of Common Prayer outlines the service for a Holy Matrimony. The officiating clergy can provide pre-marital counseling and help the couple shape the service. 

You can find the Celebration and Blessing of a Marriage in the Book of Common Prayer on page 423.  You can see the online book of Book of Common Prayer 1979 here!

If you or someone you know is interested in or has questions about Holy Matrimony, please contact our priest at 808-955-7745 ext. 108 or email them here.