Parish Administration

Priest-in-Charge - The Reverend Brian G. Rallison

Parish Administrator - Leesa Steadman

Sexton - Ryan Andrian

Accountant - Marc Miura 

Musician - Irwin Jiang

Choir Director - Addison Omohundro

Head of St. Clementʻs School - Jodi Yoshioka



The Reverend Brian G. Rallison


[email protected]

808-955-7745 ext. 108

In February 2024, the vestry was excited to welcome the Reverend Brian G. Rallison to our faith ʻOhana (family) at the Episcopal Parish of St. Clement in Honolulu, Hawai’i. He began his ministry with us on March 1, 2024. Before this, Father Brian served as the rector of two inner-city parishes: Grace Episcopal Church and Incarnation, along with Holy Innocents St. Paul's Episcopal Church in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. He earned a bachelor’s degree in human development and family studies from the University of Utah in Salt Lake City and a Master of Divinity from the Church Divinity School of the Pacific in Berkeley, California.

The Reverend Rallison described his preaching and liturgical style as one that embraces the full range of life-changing liturgies of the Christian church. When he celebrated the Holy Eucharist (Mass) with the St. Clement's vestry and search committee during our discernment period in January 2024, Father Brian invited participants to commune with him at the high altar of St. Clement's. After the service, interviewers were impressed by Kahu Brian’s ability to bring the liturgy and the stories of Jesus to life. A vestry member even commented, 'After a period of absence, I once again felt the presence of the Holy Spirit during communion.’

Kahu Brian is an energetic leader and a strong advocate for pastoral presence. He is also passionate about evangelism and outreach to individuals of all ages and backgrounds. During his visit, the vestry was impressed by Kahu Brian’s ability to build connections through deep listening. He believes that by collaborating with parishioners, "We can do great things for God's people at St. Clement, in Honolulu, in the Hawaiian islands, and beyond."

Father Brian’s gifts encompass pastoral care, healing, outreach, community engagement, and sharing God's love throughout the world. During his seminary studies, Kahu Brian gained experience working with homeless individuals in San Francisco. As a priest in Philadelphia, he participated in children's outreach ministry, developed an afterschool program, established a food pantry and clothing drives, hosted community dinners, and connected with legal aid and community service organizations to engage with the broader community.

In addition to his pastoral gifts, Kahu Brian also possesses a solid financial background. He served as the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) of a mortgage bank that financed $1.6 billion in real estate loans annually. Additionally, he has experience in grant writing. Collaborating with one of his senior wardens, they obtained resources for several parish ministries.

When asked, "How are you preparing for the future?" Father Brian wrote, "I am striving for excellence and becoming more authentic." He noted that he doesn't have all the answers but believes we should remain open to incorporating new and inventive ways to use the power of love and the Good News of God to inspire others. “Jesus is the biggest radical I have ever known because Jesus loved everyone! And to me, that is the central characteristic of following Jesus!”

In the first few months after arriving on the island, Kahu Brian transformed our office systems, built strong relationships within the parish, collaborated closely with students, teachers, parents, and administrators at St. Clement’s School, and revitalized worship and many of our ministries, among other initiatives. What excites many of us at St. Clement is Father Brian's open-door policy; he is always willing to talk to everyone! Schedule a time to chat with Kahu Brian.

Over the past year, we have worked hard to overcome some of the challenges that have held us back. We are excited that together, we will continue to strive to love as Jesus loves. The Episcopal Parish of St. Clement welcomes you just the way God made you!


Leesa Steadman

Parish Administrator

[email protected]

808-955-7745 ext. 100

Leesa Steadman came to the Episcopal Parish of St. Clement in June 2022. She had lived in Hawai’i for seven years and worked with the City and County of Honolulu before joining the church's staff as our Parish Administrator.

Leesa moved to the United States from Germany and attended the University of Santa Barbara. There, she earned degrees in English and, later, art History. She has experience in web design, administrative work, education, grant writing, and more.

Leesa has lived in various countries, such as Germany, South Korea, Hong Kong, China, Japan, and the United Kingdom. She enjoys traveling and occasionally volunteers at the Honolulu Museum of Art.


Ryan Andrian


[email protected]

808-955-7745 ext. 104


Marc Miura


[email protected]

808-955-7745 ext. 101


Irwin Jiang

Parish Musician

[email protected]

Irwin Jang joined the Episcopal Parish of St. Clement in March 2024. Born and raised in Honolulu, Hawaiʻi, Irwin began his piano studies with Joanne Fan before training for eleven years under Ellen Masaki. After appearing on National Public Radio’s (NPR’s) “From the Top,” he earned a full scholarship to attend the College of Charleston in South Carolina, where he obtained a Bachelor of Arts in Music. He continued his education at the College of Charleston, working with Dr. Volodymyr Vynnytski for four years after his undergraduate studies. He then graduated from the University of Hawai’i at Manoa with a Master of Music, where he studied with Dr. Jonathan and won the UHSO’s Concerto Competition.

After joining the Episcopal Parish of St. Clement, he received sponsorship from the parish for organ lessons, and he now plays the organ as if it has always been his primary instrument.


Addison Omohundro

Choir Director

[email protected]



Jodi Yoshioka

Head of School of St. Clement’s School

[email protected]


Jodi Yoshioka joined St. Clement School in 2014. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from the University of Hawai’i, specializing in Early Childhood Education. Her extensive experience in creating innovative learning environments and promoting academic excellence strengthens her background. She has over 25 years of teaching experience.

With a career at St. Clement’s spanning over twelve years as Head of School, Jodi has played a crucial role in shaping the school into a beacon of educational excellence. Her commitment to nurturing both students and faculty emphasizes her dedication to fostering support and enriching the educational community.

The Vestry of the Episcopal Parish of St. Clement

Martha Morgan, Senior Warden          

Robert Nakatsuji, Junior Warden        

Maile Hatfield - Clerk

Dana Anderson

Adrienne Lau

Bill Markevitch

Ashley Maynard

            Sarah Palm